Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Who is Matt Slick

Matt Slick is the proprietor of CARM.  Christian Apologetics Research Ministry.   Matt is also a TULIP Calvinist and hosts another Website called "Calvinist's corner"

Matt Slick is one of the more prominent Anti-Mormons on the web these days.. He hosts a radio program, and although his site and radio program are not exclusively against Mormonism.. Anti-Mormonism seems to be prevalent in the majority of it.  His testimony which he publishes also bears this out as for one of the very reasons for starting CARM was based upon his encounter with other Anti-Mormons, namely Jerry and Marian Bodine.

He states

Then, one night at one of the many Bible studies I was attending, someone read something to me that would have a profound impact on my life. 
"God is in the still small voice. In all these affidavits, indictments, it is all of the devil--all corruption. Come on! ye prosecutors! ye false swearers! All hell, boil over! Ye burning mountains, roll down your lava! for I will come out on the top at last. I have more to boast of than ever any man had. I am the only man that has ever been able to keep a whole church together since the days of Adam. A large majority of the whole have stood by me. Neither Paul, John, Peter, nor Jesus ever did it. I boast that no man ever did such a work as I. The followers of Jesus ran away from Him; but the Latter-day Saints never ran away from me yet..." (Joseph Smith from the Mormon book, History of the Church Vol. 6, pp. 408-409) 
This quote angered me terribly. I couldn't believe that anyone would be so arrogant as to boast he had done more to keep a church together than even Jesus had. To me, this was unfathomable and blasphemous. When I found out that the founder of Mormonism had uttered that boast, I had to find out who this person was and what he stood for. After all, I erringly thought, Mormons were Christians and that quote from its founder just didn't make sense. That is when I began attending a Bible study taught by Jerry and Marian Bodine who were then working with Walter Martin, the original Bible Answerman on the Radio. The Bodines and I became friends and I studied with them for years and my interest in cults, apologetics, and doctrine exploded. 
Later, a friend of mine and I began a swap-meet ministry. Every Saturday, for 2 1/2 years, we would set up a booth and pass out gospel literature as well as information that exposed the cults, evolution, the New Age, etc. Needless to say, we had lots of interesting discussions with people and I can honestly declare that it was there at the swap-meet that I learned the most about defending God's word. 
Next came a year-long phone ministry where my new roommate and I put an ad in a local publication. It said, "Learn the truth about Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Science, and Unity. Call (phone number). We received a great many calls and were able to help many people find the truth in Jesus. This was followed by a year of beach evangelism and door-to-door canvassing passing out Christian tracts. Soon afterwards I began to teach Bible studies and various classes on evangelism, Christian doctrine, and the cults at local churches. I have been studying and defending the truth ever since.  So far, it has been for more than 20 years now.

Now I too took a class taught by Marian Bodine.  She epitomizes the typical Anti-Mormon.  It was in and after her class that I met with her personally and had her tell me her story as to what caused her to begin her ministry.. I will attempt to relay that story.. It's been a few years, but the story was quite profound and has left an impression that last to this very day.. Understand also, this story is comming from the POV of Marian Bodine.

Marian told me she and her husband lived in Southern California,  Mission Viejo I recall, they were your typical non-denominational Christians and were not strong church goers.. They had a daughter who according to Marian, fell in love with a return LDS missionary.. Her daughter joined the LDS faith, married this return missionary and moved to Salt Lake City.    Then after couple of years, according to Marian, the marriage went on the rocks and allegedly her daughter divorced because her husband was a spouse abuser.. (Now this is from the point of view of the Mother in law, no independent collaboration of such accusation has ever been presented).

Her daughter remained in the LDS Church and despite Marian asking her daughter to come back to California after the divorce but she refused..  And then here's where the story get's interesting.   Marian then tells me he daughter married her ex-husbands father, who she said ultimately proved to be just like his son and the daughter divorced again.    It was during this second Marriage and divorce that Jerry and Marian moved to Salt Lake city and set up an Anti-Mormon ministry.

It was these people who it appears by Matt Slicks testimony directly influenced his form of Apologetic, which demonstratively has pronounced Anti-Mormon bent.

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