Sunday, September 15, 2013


CARM can't handle the truth.. This is a copy of a recent post I made on the CARM forums which was deleted by the moderation for some undisclosed reason.. but I see it just really amounts to censorship on the part of CARM against the truth..

Here's the original Post.

"Also, I would like to address the concept of Orthodoxy.. "Right belief" . There was NO orthodoxy enforced with Jesus and his disciples. Orthodoxy didn't exist prior to it's emergence in the late Late 4th to 5th Centuries under Roman Emperor. Virtually all major denominations of Christianity trace back historically to that period. Mormonism, does NOT follow traditional Orthodoxy, surprise surprise.. And in fact most of those comments you cited back a while ago were charges against the Orthodoxy. 

So is Orthodoxy really the "Right belief".. If you think about it carefully, it has nothing to do with being "Right".. it has to do with being "Politically Correct". Orthodoxy was set up as a control over how people would behave in the emerging Roman Theocratic Empire. It's a form of MIND Control that was implemented. The Orthodoxy set up what writings would be considered scripture, what teachings were permissible to a largely illiterate populace. The edict of Thessalonica made it treason against the Emperor and Empire to disagree with the emerging dogma. 

Think about that carefully will you.. How many here cry "Cult" to any group that attempt to brainwash people into a belief system?.. Yet this is EXACTLY what the Orthodoxy was doing on a Empire level and would continue for over a thousand years. Free thinking, i.e not believing in the dogma authorized by the Church and it's overseers was often publishable by Torture and death.. For all the cries about how Christians were persecuted by the Romans in the early first centuries.. Such was pale in comparison to the persecution inflicted on Christians by other Christian through Orthodoxy. Calvinism embraced this extreme view, and was dished out at the Synod of Dort against the Arminianists and the underpinning of the Witch hunts of Europe in which some estimates put as much as 100,000 people were murdered in the name of Christ. And this say's nothing about the horror met out on non-Christians through the inquisitions and crusades in the name of Christ. 

So I ask you to ponder.. Is "Orthodoxy" Christ's way.. or was it the Roman Emperors way? Then ask yourself, how much of what you believe about Christ and Christianity was fed to you by the Orthodoxy that still remains.

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