Sunday, November 1, 2015

Notable Characters

Catherine Aurelia - Probably one of the most vile and contentions anti-Mormons on CARM and other sites where she uses the name Krusader..  Catherine (Carol)  devotes her life it seems to daily propagating some of the most voracious and baseless claims against the LDS Faith.        
She is a social worker and her favorite themes generally involve sex and money, as almost every post she makes she makes accusations that Joseph Smith was a Pedophile, sexual predator..and the LDS Church steals money etc..

BrianH - Right up there next to Catherine Aurelia.  Allegedly worked as a forensic investigator, but seemingly retired now.   His posts are long winded, and don't really say much other than laced with childish invective directed at LDS.  His MO is typical of a lot of ardent Anti-Mormons.. Makes fallacious self fulling arguments, and when his argument fails, he simply moves the goal posts..  Famous for denying his questions are answered when they have been.. He considered any answer that doesn't play script and agenda a non-answer..   As stated his long winded and often doesn't take time to think about what he is actually
saying.. He has made claims he doesn't believe in God (Which may possibility be true) , or that electrons have no mass are are not matter. etc.

Like many Anti-Mormons, he has never read the Book of Mormon and has little actual knowledge of the faith.

Bonnie.  65 year old in Lutheran from Georgia, Never read the book of Mormon and refuses to do so.. Spends most of her time canvasing anti-Mormon propaganda,  Her favorite source is Lynn Wilder.

She continually denies misrepresenting LDS beliefs, all while doing so..  One of the more notable quotes by her.. "I don't care about the indented meaning, I'm talking about the UN-intended meaning."
